Garnduwa Women Kicking Goals!

There is much to celebrate amongst our team in the Broome office this month, as Eloise, Helen and Amanda all receive various awards for their determination and commitment in their relevant fields.


Firstly, we would like to congratulate our Culture, Art & Sport Manager Helen Ockerby, who graduated this week with her Bachelor of Applied Science (Indigenous Community Management and Development) degree.

Helen has been studying, parenting, volunteering and working full time throughout her degree. Her hard work has been rewarded with a spot on the Vice Chancellors list at Curtin University.

We are especially proud to have Helen on the team, as she continues to be a role model for Kimberley Aboriginal people in academia, sport and the community. Helen analysed our Kimberley Active Communities program as part of her studies, and continues to be informed by her work at Garnduwa throughout her academic practise. She is motivated by her love for her home, and the wider Kimberley community - as well as her deep passion for the power of sport for Aboriginal people.


Meanwhile, our Corporate Services Manager Eloise Page has been recognised for her commitment to doing an online diploma with the University of Tasmania, whilst working full time for Garnduwa and parenting four young boys.

Read more about Eloise’s achievements here:


At the end of 2020, our Training and Development Coordinator Amanda Gregory received the Broome Sports Association Volunteer of the Year Award.


Meet Darrilyn Gordon


Afternoons at the Youth hub this term!