February Staff Workshop

From the 1st - 5th of February, Garnduwa held our tri-annual all staff workshop at Goolarri Media in Broome. Although a few of our staff were impacted by the Perth lockdown and floods across the East Kimberley, we were still able to welcome aboard new staff and link our team in through Zoom.

It was a jam packed week coordinated by our Training and Development Coordinator, Amanda Gregory.

Day One of our training was about team building, planning, building and maintaining relationships in community and practise delivery. A big part of our staff training workshops are to ensure that the programs we deliver as an organisation, or co-deliver with other sport and recreation orgs are up to date and fun.

We were also lucky enough to have Sarah Landro from Camera Story deliver a media/photo taking workshop to our staff, so we are all well equipped to capture the work Garnduwa does in community.

We were joined by Basketball Kimberley representative & friend of Garnduwa Liz Muenchow for a whole days training covering Community (Level 0) Coaching Course, Aussie Hoops Data and Registration, as well as practical delivery. Thanks to Broome Aquatic Recreation Centre for having us.

Hannah from Broome Physio ran a deadly session on strapping and stretching. Our staff are now far better equipped to handle on the spot sporting injuries and ailments!

We would like to thank Andrea Musulin from the WA Child Protection Society for her presentation on child safety, improving the ways in which we ensure all kids engaged in Garnduwa programs are safe. This was followed by a collaborative practical and theoretical discussion around Auskick, and further collaboration between the WAFC and Garnduwa.

Finally, our workshop finished off with a nice staff dinner at the Bali Hai resort. We have a deadly team this year and we look forward to getting back out into community next week!


Afternoons at the Youth hub this term!


Welcome to Riley Dolman; Our new East Kimberley Area Manager