Fair Game in the Kimberley

FairGame Australia are a nationwide organisation helping to recycle sporting equipment and provide support with sport across regional and remote Australia. Garnduwa’s ongoing relationship with FairGame helps us to distribute recycled sporting equipment across the Kimberley, as well as to host FairGame volunteers.

Over the school holidays, 4 Fair Game volunteers from Perth came to Fitzroy Crossing to support Garnduwa activities across the regions. As it is currently the rainy season, some communities were closed due to flooded roads, however we did make it out to Bayulu community for an afternoon of sporting activities and healthy living games. The crew brought sporting equipment, as well as fruit and vegetable soft toys to distribute and run educational healthy games.

One afternoon when there was too much lightening to swim in the pool, Garnduwa and FairGame ran thunderstorm activities at the basketball courts! It was deadly playing tiggy with the thunder and rain around us.

As the weather can be unpredictable this time of year, it is important organisations in the Kimberley are prepared for it by being flexible and up for the challenge. Big thanks to the crew from FairGame for a great week! Look forward to the next visit.


Welcome to Riley Dolman; Our new East Kimberley Area Manager


School Holidays Underwater!